Friday, 21 February 2014

Creative Commons & Slide Tips

To the task for this week we have published on slideshare something very interesting, click on the link and get the  knowledge.



Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Feeling as a star by Cristian Paco

"As simple as an orange". Making things simple is the best way for understanding the world.

Hi mates, this week I carried out the role of the star which is quite important but also funny, probably one of the most tricky, or better say stressing, part in this role was  the sensation of knowing that you, as a star have the responsibility of making a good performance otherwise your mate's work can be spoil, it means that if you fail, all the team can fail too, so for that reason I was very concern about it and this made my brain work in order to get good ideas  and also a good understanding about the task but finaly with the good help of my team, all together got it, getting very good comment from our teacher about our job and also, and as much important, understanding the task and  adding new aknowledge to our lifes.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Working as Journalists by Rosana Yepes & María Moreno

This week, the journalists have been Maria and me. We have searched a lot of information about cartographic projection, treasure hunt, how to teach geography with technology, etc
As we have mentioned before, our group is formed by 7 students of different places, ages, ideologies, etc.  for this reason there is not name that it can describe us better: brainstorming. Because our conclusions are taken by brainstorming strategy.
Here, we show you a video where we are discussing what projection map is the best to teach geography at school.

On the other hand, as journalists we recorded a report how our partners felt with their new role.

Last Monday, everybody had to expose one part of their work.
Firstly, all the stars prepared an exposition to explain the three different kinds of projections. They explained it their best, trying to make it with sense and coherence.

Secondly, every Journalists and Facilitators exposed what is a Treasure Hunt, putting examples of the ones they had chosen.

The group of translators had to expose something that make distorts reality, so they used Call of Duty play, explaining how it influences on children. 

Then, analysts had to present an activity that helps children to make differences between real life and fiction one, so they showed us two videos, one of SpongeBob that was the fiction one, and another of Heidi, that was the real one.

Finally, farmers´ group showed us how we can interpret the media, since depending on our background, age, life style, etc. we can interpret it differently.

How have we felt this week?

This week, we have lived a good experience, we have mooved for many blogs and web. Also, we have investigated more ways to teach geography at children, as we can see to losolmoshistoria4.blogspot. Sometimes, Rosana both to Maria, the work has been a bit overwhelmed due to the amount of information that we can find on internet. It requires criteria, patient, time, etc. to select it well, and in most cases, we cannot it.
On the other hand, we have taken several photos and videos. The thing that Rosana has liked the most was when she recorded how my partners (and her) were working. She felt as professional journalist and… She loved it!
Last Monday we did not expect that everybody had to present one part of their work. However, it was nice, a new experience.

To sum up, with the work of this week, we have understood that all projection maps have distortions and according to cognitive development of each child, children will understand better one or other projection. Also, we all have learnt a funny way to learn with internet called Treasure Hunt. So, even this week has been a bit chaotic in regard to information searching, it has been productive, too. 
We all continue to stive for better results.

Curator farmer Cultivating by Feli Travieso

Taking the role of the curator farmer was challenging, because new ways of learning scares a bit the first time you have to face with a new tool.
However, I have found the task rather easy and enjoyable, because as I have explained in the previous class when we were exposing, even though nowadays we live in a world where innovation and creativity are the keys to become successful, we should not forget that is imperative not only to domain these characteristics, but also the perception and how we interpret what we see, hear, feel smell…
In order to become good teachers in the future, persuasion plays a fundamental role. For this reason, when I started to create the pearl tree, not only did I match all the information collected, but also I have tried to organize and implement it in a way that can be appealing to viewers in order to provide them with new ideas of how being a good professional.
The ideas are ordered and divided by historical areas, so that introduces you to the principles of cartographic maps driving viewers through the history through images and links.
·      The Mercator projection map followed by explanations, pros and cons, such the reason why Google maps and apple are using this project.
·       The second one is the Robinson cartographic projection, followed by its explanations.
·      Comparisons Mercator Vs. Peters
·      Azimuthal would be the following one, same pattern that Mercator and Robinson is followed here.
·     A Map projection of the earth together with an explanation enlightening people about the imperfections of all projections. Here we are going to study the extension differences in Bolivia and Germany through Mercator’s projection.
·      The technics that a good teacher can use to make the subject appealing to students through a wide variety of tools. A example is the treasure hunt and having in mind that first day school can be difficult to face for most student, the treasure map web we downloaded can help to dwindle children insecurity, fears or lacking of interaction with fellows.
·      The following one has nothing and everything to do with learning, even though these maps are not the ones used in schools, it would not be a bad idea to have them as learning alternatives, where children can be acquainted through a creative map, with relevant information such as the places with more population or places where there are most prone to the storms. That section was introduced with an interesting video that will encourage people to be curious about how a map can be used to achieve diverse objectives.
Well I should say that searching the proper way to classify all the topics has helped me to realize that If I were a primary education teacher, I would use not only the Mercator map, Robinson or Azimuthal, what I would definitely implement is the interaction between the three during the path of primary education learning for the following reasons.
6 Year old children, cognitively see the world in a simpler way, they do not think abstractly. That is why I personally would start with the Mercator the first year, being the most inaccurate one will be at the same time the easiest way to learn for children, because they will gradually gain a good knowledge in this area, so the simplicity of the Mercator would be more appropriate, and to enricher their knowledge I would also combine this map with creative maps that could help children to associate in a funny way countries with any topic, such the creative and educative maps that I added in the pearl tree .Once children get the basics, It would be advisable to continue with Robinson, which is more accurate that the Mercator, finally at the age of more or less 10 I would propose them the challenge of a more abstract view as is the Azimuthal map that is the most accurate of the three.
I have made the experiment with my 5 years old daughter. Her father was born in Germany and currently working in Phuket, she easily finds the location of these places with a Mercator after being told just once where the places were. However she could not find the destinations in an Azimuthal map, she explained me that everything seemed the same for her.
I enclose the pearltrees link; I truly hope that it can be useful for our future students.

Monday, 17 February 2014

The Analyst by Raquel Pelayo

  a)    What is the best part of the activity?

The best part of the activity was when we had to compare the three different projections in the sense that we could see the three different projections that there are, the distortions of each projection, how we could teach children those projections and which one could be the best one to explain children the world, because in a future not too far, we will have to teach them and we must to know all this type of things.

b)  What was the worst?

The worse part of this activity has been when we had to discuss with our classmates to decide which project was the best to teach children, in the sense that we had to put ourselves in the position of a child of primary school and which was the projection that we could understand the best. And we had very different points of view and different opinion because each of us think that a projection is better than other, in our case we were more focused in choose the Robinson projection or the Azimuthal projection. And I think that it is the worst thing for all the groups, be everybody agree.

c)   What have you learnt?

We have learnt that exist some different projections of the world in a map, and some of them are wrong, in the sense that, the proportions of the countries aren’t the same of the reality, in other words, there are some distortions of some areas and are different in each projection. Personally speaking, I think that most of us, including me, didn’t know the existence of those distortions because when we are children, at school, teachers don’t tell us that the map is wrong with the size of the projections, and it is true that it occurs because we are children and we wouldn’t understand it.

d)   What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

The best moment of the group this week was when we were discussing about which project was the best to teach children of primary school, our journalist, Rosana, was with her tablet and her  “microphone”, recording us and asking us some questions about our role and our work of this week. This was a little joke and where, a part to be stressed, a moment like that is welcoming.

e)  The worst?

The worst thing is when we have to be every member of the group agrees to do the exposition of the star and the information that we have to take and distribute our work, and at the end when we have to send all the information to the others, because the star that is the one that has to expose, must to learn all what has to say and if everyone send the information the last days it’s a more difficult for the star be well prepared.

f)   What have you learnt?

What we have learnt is that the majority of the work mustn’t be done just for one or two people, and we must collaborate every one and help the others that we think that have more work than us, and if we finished with our work, ask to the others if they need our help, because it must to be a group and don’t see who can escape the first one from the job.

g)  What do you need to conserve –as a group- for the next weeks?

What we need to conserve as a group for the nest weeks is the capacity that we have to improve each day, more and more, because, at the beginning is a little difficult in the sense that it is new for us and all those things, but when we have everything structured and ready to continuing working it will be easier and we could improve in the things that we are worse, or that we don’t know very well. I think it is just the beginning and if we put a little of us, we could improve a lot.

h)  What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

Personally speaking, I think that we don’t have to do the things the last day and don’t give too much work to one or two persons, because a work with 7 people is not the same than a group of 2 or 3, and if the 7 that work very hard it will be easier for everybody and we don’t overburden others.

i)   How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?

This content is related in how children can observe the world and how to explain it, there are some projections that are wrong with the dimensions and children can have a wrong perception of it, and not only in this aspect, in other aspect of the live, for example, today he have made an activity to teach children what is fiction and what is reality with example of cartoons. Some children can take the fiction like reality, and we have to help them to difference between the fiction and the reality.

j)   Is there any evidential social connection of this content?

Yes, the evidential connection is the media. The most important of this aspect is internet, in the sense that we can find all type of information in documents, videos, pictures… about the projections maps and it could be very useful. 

Follow the Facilitator by Fernando Tortosa

First of all I'm going to list the roles of this week:

Cristian Paco (Star)
Feliciana Travieso Pérez (Curator-farmer)
Fernando Tortosa Cutillas (Facilitator)
María Moreno (Journalist)
Raquel Pelayo López (Analyst)
Rocío Ramón Belmonte (Translator)
Rosana Yepes (Journalist)

As well as we did last week, in my group, each one of us had an investigation task apart from their main tasks, the task this week were:
Raquel was in charge to look for Mercator projection.
Rocío was in charge of looking for an example of media that could determine or distort the vision of the student about something.
Rosana was in charge of search information about Robinson Projection.
Cristian was in charge to look for information about Azimuthal Projection.
María was the one who had to find two countries that differ significantly from one projection to another.
Feli was assigned to find a treasure hunt related to primary education. She also searched information about Google Maps and Maps (Apple) and the projections they use.
And I have search information about what is a treasure hunt and choose one that I liked most.
When all of us finished our tasks, I was also in charge of put all the information into the blog and to check it.
My Feelings this week:

This week I was a little stressed because I had just a few time to organize all and distribute the task to my partners but finally we have carried out well the activities and I feel proud of all of us.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

I'm Translator by Rocío Ramón

My five terms are:

Is a resource that allows teachers to create a sequence of research work and / or collaborative between him and his students. The tool offers several alternatives Webquest working from a sequence of simple research to a more elaborate , allowing teachers create links to other websites of interest and research is needed regarding the materials and content necessary for students. To sum up 
It is a research activity where the information that learners interact with comes from all or part of the Internet resources.

Consist of a version of WebQuests is reduced to only three steps: Scenario , Task and Product . There are three types: MiniQuest Discovery , which is held at the beginning of a curriculum unit and designed to present the said unit / students , MiniQuest Exploration carried out in the course of a curriculum unit and is directed learn the content needed to understand a particular concept or to fulfill a curricular objective and MiniQuest Completion , which develop at the end of a curricular unit and consists of a number of key questions.

Cartographic  Projection:
The projection is a graphical drawing technique used to represent an object on a surface. The figure is obtained using auxiliary lines projecting that, starting from a point called the focus, reflect the object in a plane, like a shadow.

Treasure Hunt:
Is a game in which the organizers prepare a list defining specific items, which the participants (individuals or teams ) seek to gather all items on the list ,usually without purchasing them  or perform tasks or take photographs of the items, as specified. The goal is usually to be the first to complete the list, although in a variation on the game players can also be challenged to complete the tasks on the list in the most creative manner.

Distorsion is defined as the difference between reality and what is created from a method, machine or apparatus. Therefore, it can be defined as "Warp" suffered a signal after passing through a system.