What is the common teaching coordination body in
pre-primary/ primary education and secondary education?
Respect the curriculum, is more autonomous a public or
a funded private school?
Is any parent part of the Leadership Team in school?
What are the main functions of the class
Can you explain briefly what a school board is and
some main functions of it?
When Non- University Institutions began to be autonomy
and what are their principal areas of autonomy?
Why Participation bodies are created? Do you know
which are the three channels created for students?
According to the model decentralised State and the
share of Educational competences between Statement institutions and Educational
institutions, think about of the curriculum and explain these different set of
levels of application.
You passed the public examination and it is your 7th
year as a teacher in a Primary School in Lorca, you also are the coordinator of
your cycle, in which bodies are you involved?
10. María is a
teacher in 4th grade in a Primary School in Santomera. She is the
teacher of Pedro, a boy with lot of problems with maths. When María proposes
activities with multiplications, he cannot do them. Can María by her own make
adaptions of the curriculum for her student Pedro? If the answer is negative,
who has to do it?
11. Talking about
the Teaching Coordination Bodies compared this body in Primary Education and in
Secondary Education.
12. With the new
law LOMCE, one of the collegial bodies has lost power to decide about important
issues. Analyse which issues we are talking about the implications of this.
13. A problematic child
wants to enter a school, who is the person who takes the decision of saying no
to this if it is necessary?
14. I am the father
of a child in a state school. Can I form part of the Board of Education?
15. What happened
with the approval of the LOMCE regarding the functions of the board of
16. If a student
resides in a rural area and must move to another nearby town to go to school,
who will pay the transportation cost, school meals and boarding?
17. Will the
headmaster decide about the student’s admission? Why?
18. Regarding the
school autonomy, educational administration has the freedom to create work
plans outside of their curriculum. So, could these plans affect students in
their titles obtention?
19. In a primary school,
can the students be members of the school board?
20. Does
headminintress or a headmaster need to have specific and complementary studies
at his or her degree? Or can any teacher be a headmaster?
21. If you are a
parent and you want to participate in your child´s school, how would you do?
22. The collegial
school bodies are two: the School board and the teacher’s assembly. What are
the differences between them?
23. The team of
teachers in Secondary Education institutes has some duties. What are those
24. If you are a
class teacher in Primary School, what is your function?
25. What is the
individual body public school division?
26. Can the parents
participate in the teacher assembly? Where they can participate?
27. What is the
main difference between individual and collegial bodies?
28. In a primary
school, can a teacher choose the components of class representative?
29. If there are
some students with learning difficulties in your class, which body can give
solutions and who is it formed by?
30. In relation to
school administration and according to LOMCE, could you tell what the main
pillars to promote “Quality Education” are? Name at least four of them.
31. Who prepares and
approves the School Development plan? Has it suffered any change with the
32. What is the
roll of the School board modified by the LOMCE?
33. What happens in the case of absence of centre candidates?
33. What happens in the case of absence of centre candidates?
34. Who chairs staff-meeting? Do all the teachers get
involved on it?
35. Who is governing board made up of?
36. Is it necessary to be a Director to hold any kind of
certification or credential? If yes, which one?
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