Sunday, 4 May 2014

Work as Stars by Rosana Yepes and Cristian Paco

"The fortune roulette", "The price is right" or "Drop a million” which one would you choose for being a competitor?  I would say better play Bingo.

Well, this week we have felt like contestant in a popular TV program at dinner time in channel 4.  We have played "The snake and leather game", students were the contestant, Linda the conductor and the price was set up as a wild card with high mark for each member of the group to be changed by one question (of the two questions) in the oral final exam. It's mean that the students who win the game will take advantage of the card and will almost have pass 50% of the final oral exam.

The game is about drooping the dices, answering the questions and running as faster as the luck let you in order to reach the first position, if you fail the questions there is no lucky at all but due to the difficulty of the questions and few things else, almost everybody was able to answer the questions easily. 

Watching into this activity we now perfectly that the purpose of the game is not only get the price as it is set up just to motivate the students, we have to recognize that we have learn quite a lot about LOMCE by doing nothing, impressive!! And also we are almost ready to the final exam, nice!!

But because we love been naughty we have to compile about to factors totally opposite at the university, "luck & price" as it must be "effort & price". It doesn’t mean this activity didn’t get its purpose but not in the correct way.

Anyway, we’ll keep doing as much as we can as the sun rise and set every day and probably one day we'll be able to scream, BINGO!!!

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The analist by Cristian Paco

Probably this is the worst role of this activity as we have to evaluate our class mates and not many people love to be the hangman of somebody, then the person who is executed plus his or her friends are complaining, pointing and gossiping the hangman. BUT

Who is the bad boy of this movie?  the hangman or the king?

In my opinion none of them. Everybody knows that when the police caught you driving and drinking you are crap and the hangman punish you because of the low made by the authorities. so this is so simple, FOLLOW THE RULES.

For that reason I have to say that this week no one of my team have fail the week as every one has done as much he or she is able to do, building the questions, choosing the good one and checking the mistakes in order to get outstanding questions for a good understanding of the educational law so, to me the best part of the week is the way we are understanding the changes in the LOMCE by discovery learning but the best of the best part is that we are learning that we can teach a piece of pure text with no memorization at all, this is the way I want to teach my student in the future.

In my opinion the worst part is the little feedback we are receiving from Linda as we are not sure if our understanding of the law is correct or it can be improved.

About the best or the worst moment in this week I can say that the visit of  Jordi was very rich and also was a prove that Linda is not the only pedagogic that have that  opinion about new technologies and education, the worst part was the rush we have to take to finish the chosen questions and I have to say that we didn't choose it properly as we didn't had all the resources to do it in a right way.

As a group we have to conserve the hard working, the unity, the positive spirit and the smiling in our faces and for the few next week we have to improve in the understanding so everything, I think we have to force our brain to the understanding, after that we'll be able to think clear and understand better.

As my mate Fernandito says in the last annalist’s post it's clear that the good understanding of the LOMCE will be more than useful in the race but the more useful part for the race and for our entire professional life will be de knowledge we are getting looking into the BOE.

We all know that our future job will be very sticky to the government that is way there is an obvious connection between the activity and the social context, in other words, the LOMCE will affect to the social context and the right knowledge about how to trait the LOMCE will make the difference between the good and the bad teaching.

Work as Journalist by Rosana Yepes

Hi bloggers!
Before Easter my role was the journalist. To be honest, the week was a bit different because we have to change classes due to the interesting visits which we received. Even theses visits don’t belong to this subject, I would like to say that them were so productive.
Firstly our function the last week was  to elaborate 4 questions about each Conceptual Map which we did the last week. The questions should pick up the main aspects about the topic, and they were not able to be ansewered with a simple glance. Finally, we had to choose the eight best questions about a topic 6: Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II. Moreover, we had to assess all the questions of our partners. It was difficult, because we didn’t have much time and we had to return the questions, so at least, we had to assess them by photos.
What do I think about this activity? I think that it is really difficult and it requires so much responsibility. Even it is hard, with this kind of activities we develop our critical sense, but in reality it is so hard assessing our partners´ work. Anyway, we are going to be teachers and we are going to assess many many, so it is preferable that we start soon.
Regarding my work as journalist, I have made an interview a teacher of primary education to know what is, as teacher, her opinion about the new law of education, LOMCE.

There are many documents comparing both laws: LOE and LOMCE. However, I have been able to see this comparison more clearly in this document, because it appears two colors that distinguish each one.

 I would like to say see of saying congratulations to Educational Rush Hour for the way that they have done their roles this week. Congratulations!

Obviously, I don’t forget my group, CONGRATULATIONS, TOO. We all have done a good work. I am proud of you! J
Here I give you some songs to cheer up and encourage you! J

Friday, 11 April 2014

Facilitator role by Fernando Tortosa Cutillas

This week I have been the facilitator, It has been a calm week, the last week we had to read the LOE and the LOMCE, see the main differences between them and make concept maps about 6 topics.

This week, taking into account all the information of the concept maps we had to make 4 question of each topic and put them into cards that we had to bring to class last thursday. Then one topic was assigned to each group and with all the questions of that topic we had to in our group each one of us had to choose our favourite questions. Then we put in common all our favourite questions and we had to choose 8.

About our feelings this week we all had worked hard and one more time I can say in proud of my group! Let's continue like this week guys! =)

Curator farmer, by Raquel Pleayo

This week I have been the curator farmer. Firstly, I have to know how to do the “pearltree” and how it works. This is an easy way to have a global vision of what we have done during the course and in each week, specifying where we have looked information, in which websites.

So, this week I have added in the “pearltree” all the links of the final conceptual maps of each topic, because we have made some questions about those topics and their answers. Then with the final conceptual maps we have a good vision about all the topic and it easier to understand.

Here is the section of the conceptual maps.


- Education rush hour (02-04-2014). Topic 1: "Educational System", conceptual map.
Found in:

- Give me 7 (03-04-2014). Topic2: "The Primary School", conpetual map 
Found in:

- Hide and Seek and The little ants (01-04-2014). Topic 3:"Organization of Primary Education" conceptual map.
Found in:

- Teachleaders (01-04-2014). Topic 4:"Organizational Variations and Alternative Structures In Primary Education" conceptual map.
Found in:

- Brain Storming and Step by Step (03-04-2014). Topic 5: "Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level 1" conceptual map.
Found in:

- (31-03-2014). Topic 6:"Governance of Non-University Public Institutions" conceptual map.
Found in:

The translator, by Feli travieso.

Hello  everyone!!
This week I was assigned the translator role. The words that I have chosen are quite related with the topic we are, researching, studying, and comparing. All of them are forming part of the same semantic field, but I will appoint through my definitions, some differences that should be noted. I  will also focus the translation on the educational field.
In order to enrich you with more words in English I will also write all the definition's synonyms and antonyms.
It is when You give every child the type of education needed in the least restrictive environment, abandoning clinical or diagnostic labels.Which means leave the labels and meet the needs.
Therefore, integration is not  an indiscriminated return of all children with special needs to regular classes. Nor allow children in special schools remain in regular classrooms without the support services required.
Synonyms: fusion, meeting, incorporation, unification, blending, mixing.
Antonyms:  disintegration, separation, maladjustment.
Is is the quality of being fair or impartial. When opportunities are the same for everyone even if they are different.  We all are not equal, and equity is the way to provide equal resources for different people.

Synonyms: fairness, impartiality, objectivity, justice, moderation.
Antonyms: partiality, injustice.
It is a human right by law personhood. Inclusive approach in the classroom includes:
  • It focuses on the classroom, classroom-student characteristics.
  • Teaching learning factors are discussed.
  • Troubleshooting collaborative teacher and peers.
  • Strategies for teachers to have the capacity to adapt.
  • Classroom environment that promotes and supports adaptation regularly.
Synonyms: introduction, incorporation, installation, penetration, placement.
Antonyms: Removal, Foreclosure, deletion.
Segregation is the different distribution of individuals in a specific reference-ethnic, social ... feature - with negative effects for certain categories of individuals. In other words, is when people belonging to a particular group (socioeconomic status, race, sex, religion, physical abilities or intellectual) do not mix with others different from them. Segregation either way, has consequences, probably in terms of inequality and unequal learning opportunities.
Synonyms: breakdown, secession, separation, discrimination, , dislocation
ecretion, sweating, evacuation, perspiration, dripping
, discharge, separation, disunity, disseverance.
  unite, add, integrate, host.
Discrimination is a situation in which a person or group is treated unfavorably because of prejudice, usually because the discriminated people, (children in this case) belong to a distinct social category; It should also be distinguished from positive discrimination (which is differentiation and recognition). Among those categories are race, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic rank, age and disability.
Synonyms: unfairness, bias, bigotry, hatred, prejudice, partiality, intolerance, favouritism, hate, race hate, racial hatred, racial discrimination, injustice, narrow-mindedness, provincialism, racism, racialism, sexism. 
Antonyms: Equality, Equity, Inclusion, integration.
These words have great social impact nowadays, and we should all work towards the integration, inclusion and equity. We also should be able to avoid at all costs discrimination and segregation  that  will undoubtely lead our society to a narrow-minded path of ancient mentality.
Having thoroughly searched the definitions of words that although similar, have different connotations, I enclose the pages  where I have extracted the relevant information.
Doc. 1: De Haro, R. (2011). La evolución histórica de la Educación Especial: de la educación segregada a la educación para todos.

I am the star by María Moreno


1.   What is the common teaching coordination body in pre-primary/ primary education and secondary education?

2.   Respect the curriculum, is more autonomous a public or a funded private school?

3.   Is any parent part of the Leadership Team in school?

4.   What are the main functions of the class representative?

5.   Can you explain briefly what a school board is and some main functions of it?

6.   When Non- University Institutions began to be autonomy and what are their principal areas of autonomy?

7.   Why Participation bodies are created? Do you know which are the three channels created for students?

8.   According to the model decentralised State and the share of Educational competences between Statement institutions and Educational institutions, think about of the curriculum and explain these different set of levels of application.

9.   You passed the public examination and it is your 7th year as a teacher in a Primary School in Lorca, you also are the coordinator of your cycle, in which bodies are you involved?

10.   María is a teacher in 4th grade in a Primary School in Santomera. She is the teacher of Pedro, a boy with lot of problems with maths. When María proposes activities with multiplications, he cannot do them. Can María by her own make adaptions of the curriculum for her student Pedro? If the answer is negative, who has to do it?

11. Talking about the Teaching Coordination Bodies compared this body in Primary Education and in Secondary Education.

12. With the new law LOMCE, one of the collegial bodies has lost power to decide about important issues. Analyse which issues we are talking about the implications of this.

13. A problematic child wants to enter a school, who is the person who takes the decision of saying no to this if it is necessary?

14. I am the father of a child in a state school. Can I form part of the Board of Education?

15. What happened with the approval of the LOMCE regarding the functions of the board of education?

16. If a student resides in a rural area and must move to another nearby town to go to school, who will pay the transportation cost, school meals and boarding?

17. Will the headmaster decide about the student’s admission? Why?

18. Regarding the school autonomy, educational administration has the freedom to create work plans outside of their curriculum. So, could these plans affect students in their titles obtention?

19. In a primary school, can the students be members of the school board?

20. Does headminintress or a headmaster need to have specific and complementary studies at his or her degree? Or can any teacher be a headmaster?

21. If you are a parent and you want to participate in your child´s school, how would you do?

22. The collegial school bodies are two: the School board and the teacher’s assembly. What are the differences between them?

23. The team of teachers in Secondary Education institutes has some duties. What are those duties?

24. If you are a class teacher in Primary School, what is your function?

25.  What is the individual body public school division?

26. Can the parents participate in the teacher assembly? Where they can participate?

27. What is the main difference between individual and collegial bodies?

28. In a primary school, can a teacher choose the components of class representative?

29.  If there are some students with learning difficulties in your class, which body can give solutions and who is it formed by?

30. In relation to school administration and according to LOMCE, could you tell what the main pillars to promote “Quality Education” are? Name at least four of them.

31. Who prepares and approves the School Development plan? Has it suffered any change with the LOMCE?

32. What is the roll of the School board modified by the LOMCE?

33. What happens in the case of absence of centre candidates?

34. Who chairs staff-meeting? Do all the teachers get involved on it?

35.  Who is governing board made up of?

36. Is it necessary to be a Director to hold any kind of certification or credential? If yes, which one?