Monday 17 February 2014

Follow the Facilitator by Fernando Tortosa

First of all I'm going to list the roles of this week:

Cristian Paco (Star)
Feliciana Travieso Pérez (Curator-farmer)
Fernando Tortosa Cutillas (Facilitator)
María Moreno (Journalist)
Raquel Pelayo López (Analyst)
Rocío Ramón Belmonte (Translator)
Rosana Yepes (Journalist)

As well as we did last week, in my group, each one of us had an investigation task apart from their main tasks, the task this week were:
Raquel was in charge to look for Mercator projection.
Rocío was in charge of looking for an example of media that could determine or distort the vision of the student about something.
Rosana was in charge of search information about Robinson Projection.
Cristian was in charge to look for information about Azimuthal Projection.
María was the one who had to find two countries that differ significantly from one projection to another.
Feli was assigned to find a treasure hunt related to primary education. She also searched information about Google Maps and Maps (Apple) and the projections they use.
And I have search information about what is a treasure hunt and choose one that I liked most.
When all of us finished our tasks, I was also in charge of put all the information into the blog and to check it.
My Feelings this week:

This week I was a little stressed because I had just a few time to organize all and distribute the task to my partners but finally we have carried out well the activities and I feel proud of all of us.

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