Showing posts with label Star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Stars by Maria Moreno and Raquel Pelayo.


Maria and me (Raquel) have been the stars this week, and we had to present the different styles of leadership and we decided to make us the role of each leadership and the follower the other member of our groups. Personally, we think that the best way to explain something or to have a better understanding is by this form, in the sense that we catch the attention of everybody and people, by themselves, can see the advantages and disadvantages in an indirect way.  Without explaining anything they can see what is normal and what is strange.

Continuing, we are going to explain a little bit about this topic.
 We have to start working on something that we already know its meaning, so, what is a leadership? A leadership is a leader’s style of providing directions, implementing plans and motivating people. There are 6 different types of leadership; each one is defined by some characteristics that make it different from the other ones.

The first one is the Democratic Leadership, where the leader shares his opinions and decisions with his or her workers, creating a social equality and a good creative environment. Each member takes a specific role, so they can solve complex problems without difficulty, thinking in better ideas and more creative solutions.
This is an effective and productive system that requires guidance and control by the specific leader, but it not only requires huge time consumption but also, when rules are unclear, it can lead to communication failures.

The second type is the Authoritarian Leadership in which the leader has the power decision, so the decisions are made quickly, producing a stable and safe work environment. But this type of leadership also has bad things, because the leader impose his domains without any discussion and he punish the contrary behaviours producing repression at the workers, so that there is not a personal relationship between the leader and his workers.

The third type of leadership is the Paternalistic Leadership in which the leader acts as a father. In this kind of leadership, workers are able to go to each other without any problem in order to help between them, so that they have better organization skills. But they are totally committed to what the leader believes; they will not strive off and work independently. Another bad thing is that the leader could play favourites in decisions, including the workers more apt to follow and excluding the ones who are less loyal. For that reason, when co-workers begin to believe that their jobs are not ensure, they start to look for bigger and better job opportunities, what puts the workers and leaders at risk for a bad situation.

The fourth leadership is the Laissez-faire Leadership. Its name translates to "leave do" in French. Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. They think that employees know their jobs best, so they must leave them alone to do their jobs.

Employees can set their own schedules, without needing to consult the leader for every decision made, and are free to toss around ideas in a team-work environment.
Such a leader provides basic but minimal information and resources to his employees
Researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among group members.

a)      Advantages

It can be one of the best types of leadership and it can be so efficient in the cases where group members are knowledgeable and experienced.

a)      Disadvantages

If the group members are not qualified enough and they need a constant supervision it can only lead to chaos and inefficiency. It’s not a good type of leadership for the people that are not good at setting their own deadlines, managing their own projects or solving problems on their own.
+Summary of main characteristics:

  • Very little guidance from leaders
  • Complete freedom for followers to make decisions and set schedules
  • Leaders provide the tools and resources needed
  • Group members are expected to solve problems on their own

For example, our class mate Feli, had to represent this type of leadership. She just said us that we must to create a school and we began to think how will be our ideal school. Personally, I think that it was a little unreal, but with the information that we had, we thought the best things for our school and we worked well.

The fifth type is the Transactional Leadership. This type of leadership says to their followers what they have to do, and they have the freedom to take decisions and think some ideas. Then the leadership will supervise their work and if it is good they will be rewarded, however, if they do not do the work well or they do not do it, the leader will punish them.

a)      Advantages

- It can be very effective for motivating subordinates and eliciting productivity.

- Transactional leadership assumes that people are motivated by rewards, they will cede authority to their chosen leaders and fulfill goals and objectives set by their leaders.

-Motivates followers by appealing to their own self-interest.

-Management-by-exception maintains the status quo.

b)     Disadvantages

-       It assumes that people are only motivated because of money and not because of the reason why they actually want to do it.

-       The leadership model will create a stressful work environment.

And finally, the last style of leadership is the Transformational Leadership. This type of leadership say to his/her followers what they must do and they do not receive any kind of rewards because work is for the  good of the group and improve like a group, all together.

a)      Advantages:

-Employees achieve objectives through higher ideals and moral values.

-Motivates followers by encouraging them to put group interests first.

-Individualized consideration: Each behavior is directed to each individual to express consideration and support.
-Intellectual stimulation: Promote creative and innovative ideas to solve problems.

-It will develop future leaders form lot of followers.

-People will work for the leader, even if the monetary and other benefits offered are lesser, as they will be inspired by his vision.

b)     Disadvantages:

-Transformational leaders achieve change by motivating followers to set aside individual or short-term interests to work together toward a group goal.

- And the leader does not lead to their follower take decisions and make the things like he/she wants, so they have not enough freedom to express their ideas.

Finally, we conclude on that a good leader must have different characteristics of every type on leadership. A leader should motivate his workers, creating a social equality and giving different roles in order to create a proper working, creative and stable work environment. He has to have the power decision but giving to his workers the opportunity to participate and decide about the main idea.

Friday 11 April 2014

I am the star by María Moreno


1.   What is the common teaching coordination body in pre-primary/ primary education and secondary education?

2.   Respect the curriculum, is more autonomous a public or a funded private school?

3.   Is any parent part of the Leadership Team in school?

4.   What are the main functions of the class representative?

5.   Can you explain briefly what a school board is and some main functions of it?

6.   When Non- University Institutions began to be autonomy and what are their principal areas of autonomy?

7.   Why Participation bodies are created? Do you know which are the three channels created for students?

8.   According to the model decentralised State and the share of Educational competences between Statement institutions and Educational institutions, think about of the curriculum and explain these different set of levels of application.

9.   You passed the public examination and it is your 7th year as a teacher in a Primary School in Lorca, you also are the coordinator of your cycle, in which bodies are you involved?

10.   María is a teacher in 4th grade in a Primary School in Santomera. She is the teacher of Pedro, a boy with lot of problems with maths. When María proposes activities with multiplications, he cannot do them. Can María by her own make adaptions of the curriculum for her student Pedro? If the answer is negative, who has to do it?

11. Talking about the Teaching Coordination Bodies compared this body in Primary Education and in Secondary Education.

12. With the new law LOMCE, one of the collegial bodies has lost power to decide about important issues. Analyse which issues we are talking about the implications of this.

13. A problematic child wants to enter a school, who is the person who takes the decision of saying no to this if it is necessary?

14. I am the father of a child in a state school. Can I form part of the Board of Education?

15. What happened with the approval of the LOMCE regarding the functions of the board of education?

16. If a student resides in a rural area and must move to another nearby town to go to school, who will pay the transportation cost, school meals and boarding?

17. Will the headmaster decide about the student’s admission? Why?

18. Regarding the school autonomy, educational administration has the freedom to create work plans outside of their curriculum. So, could these plans affect students in their titles obtention?

19. In a primary school, can the students be members of the school board?

20. Does headminintress or a headmaster need to have specific and complementary studies at his or her degree? Or can any teacher be a headmaster?

21. If you are a parent and you want to participate in your child´s school, how would you do?

22. The collegial school bodies are two: the School board and the teacher’s assembly. What are the differences between them?

23. The team of teachers in Secondary Education institutes has some duties. What are those duties?

24. If you are a class teacher in Primary School, what is your function?

25.  What is the individual body public school division?

26. Can the parents participate in the teacher assembly? Where they can participate?

27. What is the main difference between individual and collegial bodies?

28. In a primary school, can a teacher choose the components of class representative?

29.  If there are some students with learning difficulties in your class, which body can give solutions and who is it formed by?

30. In relation to school administration and according to LOMCE, could you tell what the main pillars to promote “Quality Education” are? Name at least four of them.

31. Who prepares and approves the School Development plan? Has it suffered any change with the LOMCE?

32. What is the roll of the School board modified by the LOMCE?

33. What happens in the case of absence of centre candidates?

34. Who chairs staff-meeting? Do all the teachers get involved on it?

35.  Who is governing board made up of?

36. Is it necessary to be a Director to hold any kind of certification or credential? If yes, which one?

Monday 24 March 2014

The Star by Raquel Pelayo

This week I have been the star of my group. So, we have to make a video, with the program "moovly," explaining what we have learnt in this part of the subjectThen, today in class we have seen all the videos of the other groups and put a score, the highest score is 12 points and the lowest score is 3 points. After discuss with all the members of our group about the scores or each video (more or less we were in agreement) the stars of each group have said the scores saying which video was the best. Finally there have been two winners: the video of “Hide and Seek” and “C’mon Tutankamon”, the prize for both group is an appetizer paid by Linda (our teacher).


Thursday 13 March 2014

Star - "The fall hive honey fable" by Fernando Tortosa Cutillas

Hi all, this week I was in charge of the star role, in my group we decided to perform a fable that explain the main concepts of the dark side of textbooks. 

We have chosen a fable rather than anything else because we think this is a fun and friendly way to transmit contents to children.

We all first had to collect information about the disadvantages of using textbooks, but there were other concepts that we have taken into account like broken market, price disclosure and used marked that we couldn't represent on the fable.

In order to make it more genuine we also made some draws to represent the main scenes of the fable and we have also choose a song creative common lisenced for play in the background. 
(Clear Air - Kevin MacLeod 

We also made a quiz with some multiple answer question in "Kahoot", you can fint it here:

So finally we created "The fall hive honey fable". Here you have the fable in both formats, in an audio and written, I hope you like it! ^^
(You can also find it in spanish in our blog)


Once upon a time, there was a vast green valley full of animals, insects, plants, trees... In this valley all lived in harmony, but it was organized by a selfish hummingbird, that only modified it according to his interests. However, the hummingbird had a great weakness, he loved honey, so that he took always care to the queen bees, since they were the owners of the combs producing all honey.
Honey was produced by worker bees that had worked all his life in the hive.

However, many times the worker bees felt that they were exploited by the queen bee, because she always required them to bring a specific type of pollen, which was very difficult to get along with, and heavy to carry.
The work of the poor bees werehoney quite boring ,as for many many years, they had been sistematically doing the same type of collecting,  and also they would often forget how to proceed, knowing that all the instructions given were in the planes of the queen bee.

On the other side of the valley, lived a group of witty worker ants, which in this case worked in the construction of a large antbird. Although ants were also under the mandate of the hummingbird like the bees, the hummingbird was not interested on the ants production, therefore he ignored them.In order to build its nest, ants did not needed any kind of maps provided by the hummingbird, they would use a wide variety of materials,  diverse tools and resources to create the world's strongest anthill.
One day, a devastating storm hit the valley, and there were a lot of damage done. Many tree branches were destroyed, among them the ones holding the hives causing them to fall on the ground and broke into pieces. All beings of the forest were very frightened by the devastating storm. When the storm ended, the inhabitants realized that the bees community were the most affected because their hive was broken to pieces.

Both, the queen bee and hummingbird demanded to the workers bees to rebuild the honeycomb, to continue producing honey. However, the poor bees did not have the skills to rebuild it, because due to the honeycomb accident, all the plans and maps were lost and they did not know how to proceed. This response, strongly displeased and disappointed the queen bee, as well as the hummingbird. In this situation, the poor bees were very frightened, they did not know what would happen now.
Fortunately, the ants’ community that were less affected by the storm because their nest was built with different resources and materials which together constituted an indestructible structure came out the blue. The ants community kindly offered their help to the bees community to rebuild the honeycomb , but using a wide variety of techniques that were new, faster, easy to access, and most important was that they combined were more effective.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Star By Feli Travieso Pérez


A good teacher is the one that when takes a content from the C.V, is able to study the way of how to transmit it, in a way to make it appealing for the student. That is called PEDAGOGY. That skill not only requires long experience, teachers also should be willing to become good professionals as they have to be prompt to teach and learn from students.
When I was assigned the Star role, the first though that came into my mind was, how to make a dull content such as recycling, attractive to my future 6-year-old students.
But first I went to the compulsory and recommended pages I had to read before creating my own presentation, and I have found quite interesting tips:
·      Raising the issue objectively.
·      Tell what normative gap is intended to be alleviated.
·      Design a schedule to follow.
·      Making clear our objective.
·      Simple explanation.
·      To know the audience composition.
·      To be able to connect to the audience emotionally.
·      To set up good stories able to emotionally awake the audience.
·      Being passionate, gesturing, asking questions to avoid silence.
·      To passing them your passion and joy.
·      To create a topic and memorize it.
·      Before the presentation, be prompt to prepare it.
·      Exposing your topic loud and clear, trespassing the audience with your look.
·      To close the topic with a good conclusion.
·      And a good phrase to close your exposition.
As a future teacher, and having in mind that my audience were going to be 6 year old children I wanted to add all the tips, but in a creative way, and even though there was a great tip of how to create good slides in order not to distract your audience, I took some advices and discarded others.
The ones I have considered:
·      Good quality images.
·      Not to write long phrases on it.
·      Being accurate with words.
·      Simple.
·      Using the colour well.
The ones I have discarded:
·      They should not be gaudy. Some of them were.
·      I should not distract the audience with lots of images. I did.
·      The transmitter should not be on the second level. I was.
Why did I take a different path?
My audience were not going to be adults, on the contrary they were going to be children. I believe that having great and colourful images, help children to evolve their cognitivism  in different aspects.
I have distracted them with fantastic images, because I wanted to motivate them, with a topic like recycling, I wanted them to feel the teacher passion.
And teacher has to interacting with them I went on to the second position, letting images talk on my behalf, because I wanted them to be the stars.
Finally music should be compulsory in primary education, to inspire our children, that was the reason for me to play a stretch of music.
I went on to the Flicker page and searched creative recycling for all ages, and after selecting a wide variety of them, I have only taken the ones that could match accordingly with my presentation.
But I wanted to thank every single author, so that I have registered in Yahoo images with the nickname of Sianita41. I did it with every picture, because is a nice way to let them know that they are doing something great.
After that I started to create my presentation. I have really though that it was going to be easier, but it wasn’t. Creating simple and touching tests was a challenge and more difficult that I believed, it took me time and consideration to think on the way to make the subject interesting. But when you are motivated there are not mountains high enough. SO I DID IT. I feel proud of the presentation and now I do know that my aspirations to be a good teacher are becoming true.
I will make a constructive criticism. I have been preparing the presentation during three days. I tried to perform well because one of my weakest points is that when I have to expose in front of a big audience, I get very NERVOUS, and as hard as I always try I am not able to overcome this.
For that reason, I trained a lot home, in order to be confident. But what happened when I came into the class? I found out that there were not remote control, and that would not help me at all. The other fact is that sound did not work and even though I could foresee the problem and I brought my laptop, the presentation was not as successful as I have expected.
Therefore my proposal is that It would not be a bad idea that before presentation started for all groups, we all should make sure as professional that we are to talk to the teacher asking her to supply us with gadgets, such as the remote. I am sure that next time if we all collaborate we will succeed.
The "Cold Play" song has been replaced by "One Big Holiday - My Morning Jacket" that were Creative common licenced.

Here you have the slides and the written presentation.
Have a look!!

Intro: Good morning everyone!!
I was counting the days to welcome you to the … subject of..citizenship  education …. And I’m excited that all of you are here today.
In these days, our planet is changing very fast, we humans consume more than we should, and our planet begins to look like a factory of grey smoke.
We have a fantastic and unique world! What can we do to avoid its deterioration? Can’t we teach also adults to take care of the ecosystem?

Start: Recycling is a good way to star today.
What is recycling? It is when you take old materials and break them down, so that they can be used to create new material.
Some facts… Where does trash go? Landfills.
· Glass can be broken down and 70% of it, when melted can be recycled.
· Metal is recycled by melting it into new blogs called ingots, one of them is made of 1.6 millions of cans!! That is a lot of soda.
· Paper when mixed with water can be recycled up to 7 times, as fibbers start to break down.
· Plastic is hard to recycle when mixed. Often involves high-energy chemical process.
Recycling… sounds pretty boring, doesn’t it?

Change – Body:  So, let’s talk about artistic recycling!
There is no age to start being creative, nor an age to stop being it.
(I’m sure all of you are very creative and you can help many adults on being inspired again… and follow the three R’s REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.
My dear kids, there are plenty of discarded materials around that can be collected and transformed to new objects.
Glass can be turned on to a fantastic light sculpture.
We can make a nice key holder from metal.
To make a nice puppet using toilet paper
Even a dress can be done with paper!
Plastic bottles (difficult to recycle) used as flowerpots.
You can also create nice sculptures with reused material; some famous artists are already doing it and living on it.
And do you know it is even possible to build a very nice house from discarded material???


Now, I have a new question for you:  What could we achieve if we all were able to get all these following ideas together?

GOOD HABITS                                


End: When we finish this course, if we are able to blend all this terms you will become the artists, the architects, the magician of the future, the guardians of our planet starting to create from simple to complex to decorate our world.
Changing the world is in your hands.
Let's create this recycling workshop together!
I truly believe that together we CAN make the difference.