Scoring giveme 7 &T8T |
Human beings
existence is characterized and focused in spending time and behave, both
individually and in groups. Now that we are facing the student stage, we spend
a great deal of our time in groups. What is even more, in the working world,
even if we are ready or not we will spend even more.
The big group |
Of course, many times
we have no choice whether we will work alone or with more people. We are just
told what to do. GOALS? To be best apt to be prepared in order to gain aptitude
skills to be prepared and able to interact with society in general.
The Brainstorming
group, as the remaining ones have been working more than two moths, and that
fact helped us to know each other better, our goals, hobbies, hopes….
REFLEXION is a nice
way to foresee, what about the rest of your class groups?
Learning from other's perspectives |
So that my role this
week will consist on going through all the groups integrated in the B section,
and ask them their general feed back about this weekly task, whether they found
it more difficult or easier than previous ones, what should be improved, if all
of them find the task difficult or on the contrary, some find them easier than
I asked them whether
they found this week's task about conceptual
maps easier than Moovly, and
their general answer was that for them getting used to using Moovly was more complicated because the
had to invest a deal of time in order to get used to it. All of them told me
that concepts maps were easier that they were expecting.
Let´s see what T8T
has to add.
Their role on the
exposition day was to work as supervisors, and for them in general the experience
was not good, because none of them could compare their maps with other groups
in order to improve or just have different perceptions, and I have to admit
that they are right, they play disadvantaged.
Their general feed
back is that the LOGSE-LOMCE differences has been approached on an overbearing manner,
so that, not time enough to chew the concept. For them going through Moovly or the conceptual maps did not
make any difference, as they think that every tool is new and requires time and
cooperative work in order to cope with all the subjects.
Our own feedback
It is curious that
even though we have not been working with the rest of the groups, our opinion
in general does not differ from the rest. On the contrary, we could witness how
the team that was supervising us were telling that as much as they like to
supervise, they did not have the same opportunity to correct their own maps. We
also think that a subject like LOE-LOGSE,
maybe because the majority of us do not go often through the BOE is not an easy
subject, if we are to learn the roots of them. And we also add that I would be
great if we had more time to compare all of them.
Well my friends, that
was all. Even though working in groups is more time-consuming than individual or
interpersonal effort, at least I could report that our worries, our willingness
to exceed expectations in order to improve, and motivation overall will guide
us to good destination.
Maria's Report
As the other journalist has said, this is not an easy
work to do. When a new law is adopted, a
lot of changes appear and we had to contrast both in order to understand what
As I don´t know if the differences between LOE and
LOGSE have been clearly understood, I wanted to explain them with two videos.
They are in Spanish, because it is a Spanish legislation, so that, I will
explain them in English in order to clarify some aspects.
Firstly I wanted to say that LOGSE was a Spanish law
from 1990 to 2006 when it was derogated by LOE. So now let´s see the videos!!
The first one talks about the establishment of LOGSE
and explains it´s main functions and ways of teaching.
As we can see the most important aspects of this law
Equal opportunity to education;
Moral and religious education;
Free and compulsory basic education;
Printed material (textbook, Workbook and worksheet)
Evaluation with an exam in order to saw what the
student had learnt.
Teachers with a close bond with their students and
The second video talks about the establishment of LOE,
so it is in favour of it, presenting it´s relevant pros.
As we can see, this law wanted to take many specific
points from LOGSE and try to improve them. It´s main goal is to fight against
school failure from the beginning.
With this purpose It not only included improvement
measures to students in primary and secondary education, but also in secondary
education the number o subjects was reduced.
In general, students have a 65% of common contents,
having the religion subject as a voluntary one.
So know we really know the differences between both
laws, but if you have to decide which one is the best, what do you say?
Well, my answer is clear, I really prefer LOE and
these is because I hate studying only with printed materials and do an exam to
show what I have learnt. Also we have more freedom to choose what we want to
study and how we want to learn things.
In conclusion, we have lots of opportunities and
resources that we should use in order to make our knowledge bigger.