Wednesday 12 March 2014

Facilitator by Raquel Pelayo López.

The roles of this week have been:

Feli and Rocío: journalist.

Rosana: analyst.

Cristian: translator.

María: curator- farmer.

Fernando: star

Raquel (me): facilitator.

This week we have to look for information about “The dark side of text books” and make the fable “The fall hive honey” each of us have made a different part:

-Feli: she has looked for information about “The broken market” and she has translated the fable into English.

-Rocío: she has to look information about “New editions and the uses book market” and make the introduction explaining why we have chosen the fable.

-Cristian: he has looked for information about “Price disolure” and like Rocío explains why we have chosen the fable.

-María: she has to make the “Disadvantages of text books” and a summarize about the fable explaining what is the meaning of each character.

-Rosana: she has looked for information about “Advantages of using new technologies in class” and she has rewritten the fable in Spanish to improve it.

-Fernando: he has written the fable the first time, has painted the drawings, made the questions and answers in “Kahoot” for the presentation in class for our classmates and he will present it tomorrow in class.

-Raquel (me): I have looked for extra information and I have found a document : “The future of the books”,  and a video very interesting about  a high school without text books and finally I have made the drawings for the fable and I have helped to Fernando to paint them.

Now my experience this week as facilitator has been stressed, tired and it has been difficult in the sense that I have to make that everyone is in agreement about the work and with all the ideas of the group, organize all the parts and controlling that everything is going well. A part from that it has been a good experience and I think that we have made a good job because all of us have been giving ideas for the fable and how we could to explain it and how we could present it, I am very proud for them and for their job. And I hope that they have been comfortable with me.


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