Hi all, this week I was in charge of the star role, in my group we decided to perform a fable that explain the main concepts of the dark side of textbooks.
We have chosen a fable rather than anything else because we think this is a fun and friendly way to transmit contents to children.
We have chosen a fable rather than anything else because we think this is a fun and friendly way to transmit contents to children.
We all first had to collect information about the disadvantages of using textbooks, but there were other concepts that we have taken into account like broken market, price disclosure and used marked that we couldn't represent on the fable.
In order to make it more genuine we also made some draws to represent the main scenes of the fable and we have also choose a song creative common lisenced for play in the background.
(Clear Air - Kevin MacLeod http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zueC6lJOLLk)
We also made a quiz with some multiple answer question in "Kahoot", you can fint it here:
We also made a quiz with some multiple answer question in "Kahoot", you can fint it here:
So finally we created "The fall hive honey fable". Here you have the fable in both formats, in an audio and written, I hope you like it! ^^
(You can also find it in spanish in our blog)

Honey was
produced by worker bees that had worked all his life in the hive.

However, many times the worker bees felt that they were exploited by the queen bee, because she always required them to bring a specific type of pollen, which was very difficult to get along with, and heavy to carry.

However, many times the worker bees felt that they were exploited by the queen bee, because she always required them to bring a specific type of pollen, which was very difficult to get along with, and heavy to carry.
The work of the poor bees
werehoney quite boring ,as for many many years, they had been sistematically
doing the same type of collecting, and
also they would often forget how to proceed, knowing that all the instructions
given were in the planes of the queen bee.
On the other side of the valley, lived a group of witty worker ants, which
in this case worked in the construction of a large antbird. Although ants were also under the mandate of the hummingbird like
the bees, the hummingbird was not interested on the ants production, therefore
he ignored them.In order to build its nest, ants did not needed any kind of maps provided
by the hummingbird, they would use a wide variety of materials, diverse tools and resources to create the
world's strongest anthill.
One day, a devastating storm hit the valley, and there were a lot of damage
done. Many tree branches were destroyed, among them the ones holding the hives causing
them to fall on the ground and broke into pieces. All beings of the forest were
very frightened by the devastating storm. When the storm ended, the inhabitants
realized that the bees community were the most affected because their hive was
broken to pieces.

Both, the queen bee and hummingbird demanded to the workers bees to rebuild the honeycomb, to continue producing honey. However, the poor bees did not have the skills to rebuild it, because due to the honeycomb accident, all the plans and maps were lost and they did not know how to proceed. This response, strongly displeased and disappointed the queen bee, as well as the hummingbird. In this situation, the poor bees were very frightened, they did not know what would happen now.

Both, the queen bee and hummingbird demanded to the workers bees to rebuild the honeycomb, to continue producing honey. However, the poor bees did not have the skills to rebuild it, because due to the honeycomb accident, all the plans and maps were lost and they did not know how to proceed. This response, strongly displeased and disappointed the queen bee, as well as the hummingbird. In this situation, the poor bees were very frightened, they did not know what would happen now.
Fortunately, the ants’ community that were less affected by the storm
because their nest was built with different resources and materials which
together constituted an indestructible structure came out the blue. The
ants community kindly offered their help to the bees community to rebuild the honeycomb
, but using a wide variety of techniques that were new, faster, easy to access,
and most important was that they combined were more effective.
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