Tuesday 11 February 2014

Curator Farmer Cultivating by Cristian Paco

Cultivating Knowledge

If someone told me that the knowledge can be cultivate as the same way of a tree, I would say "noo way" but indeed it is possible and we did it.
"Pearltrees" as a concept is something new and quite tricky to understand from the beginning, but as much you get into, it become easier and clearer to use, maybe one of the most interesting part of pearltrees is the interconnection between other pearltrees and for this reason I have open a pearl with just inter-links about our subject "TPACK". To better understand what I am writing in here let's move trough the pearls by clicking on the link below.
As you can see, "pearltree" is an idea based on conceptual mapping in which we do not only add concept  but, videos, web sites, files, etc. This is the proper tool to tidy up our messy interactive bibliography in order to find out straightaway what we are looking for by just clicking on the subject we are interested, however it wouldn't be that easier if there’s not a previous organization of it, that's why we should  organize it by scales, from main topic through sub-topics  labelling then and embedding a picture relating to the topic, then is going to be much easy to catch up our link.
Other interesting part in my role for this week is to reference the fonts by APA style. "What a head ache". It was the first sentence passing through my mind when I saw my duties for this week. "How can I use APA style? what’s the way to do it with a video from youtube? many many question and not many answers but now after a week, everything change, I know how to do it and I'll be able to transmit it to my team in the further tasks, also I even find it rather interesting as we can reach easily to the original information. 

Baran, E., Chuang, H. & Tompson, A. (October, 2011). TPACK: An emerging research and development tool for teacher educators. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. volume 10 Issue 4
Buzan, T. (2011). Tony Buzan inventor del Mind Map. [tonybuzan.com]. http://www.tonybuzan.com/about/mind-mapping/
Mathew, J & Joshua, M. (November, 2012). Tpack. [tpack.org]. http://www.matt-koehler.com/tpack/tpack-org-and-social-media/
Keinon, G. (202, Abpril 4). Mind maping can help dyslexic. [news.bbc.co.uk]. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/education/1926739.stm
Youtube. (2011, Mayo 4). Education evolution. [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGvl5dg3l2M#t=28
Youtube. (2013, Abril 26). TPACK in 2 Minutes. [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FagVSQlZELY
Youtube. (2012, Agosto 26). Jordi Adell: diseño de actividades según el TPACK. [video file ]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mi2D7WTMXI

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